Medigap Plans, Yes Or No? What You Need To Know Before You Invest In Insurance

Do you need a Medicare supplement? If you're not sure whether to explore Medigap plans, stop at original Medicare, or try another option, take a look at the questions to ask right now. Will You Need Help to Pay for Uncovered Expenses? Even though Medicare Parts A and B may pay for a significant portion of your medical expenses, this federal insurance program for people 65 and over and some younger adults with disabilities won't cover 100 percent of your costs. [Read More]

How To Choose A Health Insurance Plan

Health insurance can keep you from facing catastrophic debt in the event of an emergency. People with health insurance are also more likely to get the preventative care that will keep them healthy. Here are four steps you can use to pick a health insurance plan. 1. Purchase a plan through your employer. Many employers offer health insurance to full-time employees. Buying health insurance through your workplace can save you a lot of money because many companies will cover all or part of the cost of your insurance. [Read More]

3 Health Insurance Mistakes To Avoid

From doctor visits when you have a cold or an infection to prescriptions and surgeries, having health insurance is important. Unfortunately, most people do not fully understand their current coverage or know which type of policies and how much coverage they will need when shopping for a new health insurance plan. Thankfully, help is available if you want to learn more about health insurance. Here are a few common health insurance mistakes to avoid. [Read More]

Understanding Medicare Portions As A Supplemental Insurance

Having dual insurance coverage is not surprising for most people who are eligible for Medicare. You may have a primary insurance while the medicare acts as a secondary option. The key to understanding these secondary option is to know what different medicare parts are available and how they work with your insurance. Here is some information to sort out the different parts and what you need to know to understand your supplemental insurance and your billing. [Read More]